Multi-week OKR training & facilitation

OKR Accelerator Programme

Multi-team. High-touch. High impact. Let OKRs work hard for your teams.

Multi-team training & hands-on facilitation for an entire 8-week OKR cycle.

This programme takes up to five teams through the full journey of setting, aligning, checking in, and closing OKRs over a complete 8 week OKR cycle with expert training, multiple hands-on workshops, access to online reference and learning materials, videos, templates, and more!

Schedule a call!

"I'm kicking myself for not doing this sooner."
– Andy Coravos, CEO of Human First


  • Understand OKR foundations
  • Learn & apply best practices
  • Set real OKRs for multiple teams
  • Align OKRs across teams
  • Learn & practice OKR check-ins
  • Close their OKRs
  • Capture important lessons
  • Retrospect & improve the practice
  • Create an OKR Champions’ community
  • Learn techniques to facilitate their own workshops
  • Receive continuous coaching support 💪


  • Live & fully facilitated by me!
  • Four in-depth workshop sessions
  • 90-120 minutes per session
  • Up to 8 weeks of continuous support
  • Slack, email, & async video support
  • Pre-programme “design” call
  • Weekly check-in calls
  • Free OKR tracking tools
  • Free OKR drafting/sharing tools
  • Free video training library
  • And much more!

4 deep dive workshops

1. Setting OKRs

2. Aligning

3. Checking-in

4. Closing

Plus weekly support calls & more!


Weekly calls
Slack support
Online tools & templates
OKR champions community

Here’s how it works

Before the workshops

Design call

Before the first session, we’ll have up to 60 minutes with you and any key stakeholders to review your unique context and agree any customisations you’d like to make to the programme.

Online course

I’ll share 90 days access to my online course whic covers:

💪 Outcomes: Foundational understanding of OKR method, teams ready to get hands-on

Session 1

Setting OKRs

In this first session, we’ll learn about OKR foundation set real OKRs for up to five teams across an 8-week OKR cycle.

Together we’ll discover:

  • OKR origins, mindset, and grammar
  • How OKRs connect strategy and execution
  • How OKRs fit into wider corporate mission, vision, etc
  • The way activities support (and differ from) OKRs
  • Using OKRs with health metrics and KPIs for total visibility
  • Supporting R&D, customer success, and operations teams with OKRs
  • Setting OKrs with my flexible “OKR Map” technique

Plus 90 minutes of facilitation to set real OKRs

💪 Outcomes: Draft OKRs for each team

Session 2

Refine & align OKRs across teams

In this session we’ll negotiate & align OKRs horizontally and vertically through the various teams in the cohort. Participants will learn to run an “OKR Festival” or an “OKR Gallery Walk” to negotiate and refine OKRs while identifying and addressing dependencies.

  • Discuss “cascading” vs “laddering” vs “market-based alignment”
  • Run an OKR Gallery Walk or OKR Festival
  • Refine & align OKRs across multiple teams
  • Teach participants how to facilitate an alignment session
  • Leave with aligned OKRs ready to begin checking in

💪 Outcomes: Strong, well-aligned OKRs

Session 3

OKR Check-ins

Check-ins are the most important part of the OKR framework. This workshop includes 90 minutes of guided check-in practice with teams using the real OKRs we set previously. By the end the team will understand:

💪 Outcome: Teams ready to perform regular check-ins

Session 4

Closing OKRs

At the end of the programme we will hold a session to help teams score & close their OKRs, capture valuable lessons, and retrospect on improvements to the OKR process for the next cycle.

  • Help to close teams’ OKRs
  • Capture & share outcomes & learnings
  • Explore pros and cons of scoring
  • Retrospect on the OKR process
  • Enjoy a structured Q&A session
  • Set up the next cycle

💪 Outcomes: Teams have closed their OKRs, agreed how to improve the process, and are ready to begin the next cycle.

Continuous support

Weekly calls & more

Teams receive continuous hands-on support including:

  • Weekly 30-60 min “office hours” for accountability support, running check-ins, troubleshooting, and sharing experiences
  • Async support via Slack or Teams, email, and video messaging
  • Identify and support an internal community of OKR Champions’
  • 90 day access to my video course

Let’s go!

If you’re ready to help your team succeed with OKRs, contact me today for full details including investment & terms. Have more questions? Check out the FAQ.

Ideally, participating teams should already be well-established, and high-performing with clear missions, membership, and ways of working. Need help designing and implementing team structures, operating models, and ways of working? Ask me about additional coaching & consulting in this area.

Schedule a call!

"I'm kicking myself for not doing this sooner."
– Andy Coravos, CEO of Human First