We had a great experience with Peter! Through his passion and expertise, we gained a better understanding of how OKRs can benefit our organization. We greatly appreciate his positive attitude and support throughout the entire process.
The team is consistently telling me how the OKR process has changed how we work at the company. This has been by far one of the best investments our team has made all year. Thank you for all your support.
It has been great to focus the company and move us forward... Thanks again for your work. We are very pleased with the results.
The implementation of OKRs has had a huge impact on the successful growth of the business.
OKRs were new to us as a business, but through Peter's invaluable support and expertise we have successfully embedded an impactful goal setting framework that has enabled all of our team members to align behind a shared objective.
This was the best 20 person conference call I’ve ever attended.
I appreciate all of your support as we advanced our measurements and OKRs! You were a great partner and advisor!
Peter's OKR training and coaching has had a really positive impact here at PlotBox; from his initial support in introducing OKRs to his online training which provided our employees with a very useful refresher and instilled confidence in actually using OKRs in their own teams day to day. The training was very comprehensive, effective and enjoyable, distilling difficult concepts into easy-to-grasp bitesize chunks. Highly recommended!
This is literally the first time I've seen people get excited about objectives!
Highly recommended, Peter Kappus is a legend in demystifying OKRs and making them accessible.
I've really appreciated your positive, inclusive, proactive approach to problem solving and improving delivery, it's been really helpful... You've also always been open and available for informal discussions - that kind of support is important.
We engaged Peter to provide an online upskill for all employees on the fundamentals of OKRs and also asked him to undertake some OKR coaching with a specific leadership team. Having spent some time evaluating their draft OKRs and coming to grips with the fundamentals of the business, Peter delivered a successful and engaging virtual workshop to the team.
Peter was able not only to finally get across the anatomy and purpose of OKRs but also guided the team towards establishing the bones of a more appropriate set of OKRs during the live session.
I would not hesitate to work with Peter again in a similar capacity. He’s extremely articulate, a genuine OKR guru and a very nice chap.