OKR Training & Coaching

Let's make OKRs work for you.

Give your teams the confidence and experience they need to make OKRs work hard for your organisation. My practical, inclusive, and hands-on approach is grounded in decades of real-world experience and continuous learning.

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"I'm kicking myself for not doing this sooner."
– Andy Coravos, CEO of Human First

Popular OKR programmes

I offer a variety of programmes that can be customised to suit your needs.

Quickstart essentials

The half-day Jumpstart

🏋️ Single workshop     ⏱️ 4 hours
🕺 Live     🏡 Remote or onsite
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Up to 10 people

Get started using OKRs with a half-day session covering the basics, setting real OKRs for one team and beginning the habit of weekly check-ins.

Learn more

multi-week deep dive

The 8-week Accelerator

🏋️ 4 workshops     ⏱️ 8 weeks
🕺 Live     🏡 Remote or onsite
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Up to 5 teams & 30 people

Go deeper and get more hands-on with multiple teams over 8 weeks. Learn the basics and then set, align, check-in and close real OKRs with multiple hands-on workshops, my exclusive online learning, weekly check-ins, and continuous Slack/Teams support.

Learn more

Need more? Talk to me!

My deep expereience enables me to customise every engagement to meet your needs perfectly. I can also train and coach on niche topics like agile software development, organisational development, lean portfolio management, and much more. See my CV for more ideas or just get in touch!

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"I'm kicking myself for not doing this sooner."
– Andy Coravos, CEO of Human First

Featured clients

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"I'm kicking myself for not doing this sooner."
– Andy Coravos, CEO of Human First

Core topics

These are the core topics I cover in my OKR training and facilitation programmes. The online course and public workshops introduce these concepts and techniques while the "accelerator" programmes include hands-on fully facilitated sessions to put them into practice giving teams real world experience and ongoing support throughout the cycle.

OKR Foundations

Key concepts & setting OKRs

We'll talk briefly about the history, mindset, and best practices behind OKRs then learn my simple, proven technique for setting powerful OKRs which anyone can use in any team to set inspiring, measurable OKRs.

  • Quick overview of OKR background and best practice
  • How OKRs sit with your vision & mission
  • Using my OKR drafting template to set OKRs
  • Achieving organic vertical and horizontal alignment (not "rigid cascading")
  • Drafting OKRs from the outside-in (Objectives to Initiatives)
  • Drafting OKRs from the inside-out (Initiatives to Objectives)
  • Simple tests to see if your OKRs are ready to use or need more tweaking
  • Hands-on practice running an OKR setting workshop
  • Tips for running remote OKR workshops
  • OKRs & Initiatives
  • OKRs & KPIs
  • OKRs for BAU work (operations, HR, customer service, research, etc.)
  • Q&A and debrief

Scaling up

Refining, aligning, and negotiating

Refine your OKRs, learn to identify common pitfalls and how to avoid them. We'll also learn about OKR alignment and practice techniques you can use to align OKRs both vertically and horizontally across every team in your organisation.

  • Review, challenge, and strengthen draft OKRs
  • Avoiding top-down cascading
  • Encouraging "market-based" cross-team OKR alignment
  • Tips and traps for using OKRs across teams
  • Run a mini OKR "Festival" to socialise, refine, and align OKRs
  • OKRs, Pipelines, & Product Roadmaps
  • Avoiding all-or-nothing (binary) Key Results
  • Introducing "grading guides" to make binary OKRs more measurable
  • Shared OKRs and tiger teams

Organisational learning

Checking in and closing OKRs

Smooth, repeatable, informative check-ins are essential to a successful OKR practice. Done well, they show teams how their day-to-day work supports their most important strategic goals. They can inspire teams by telling teams exactly where to focus and what to do next. Weak (or non-existant) OKR check-ins can leave teams puzzled, frustrated, and disengaged.


Personalised OKR coaching

Combined with any of the training packages above, teams and individuals can reserve time with me to talk through specific questions, ideas, and challenges. It's a chance to connect theory with reality and deal with the unique challenges and opportunities of your organisation. Past topics have included:

  • Dealing with real-world challenges
  • Introducing the OKR calendar
  • Marrying OKRs and agile ways of working
  • Nurturing an OKR Champions community
  • OKR tools and additional resources
  • Opportunities for further study & practice

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"I'm kicking myself for not doing this sooner."
– Andy Coravos, CEO of Human First

What people are saying

"I'm kicking myself for not doing this sooner."

CEO of a high-growth VC funded scale-up

"The team is consistently telling me how the OKR process has changed how we work at the company. This has been by far one of the best investments our team has made all year. Thank you for all your support."

Andy Coravos

CEO of Human First

"It has been great to focus the company and move us forward... Thanks again for your work. We are very pleased with the results."

Bill Pazos

CEO / Founder of Air Carbon Exchange

"The implementation of OKRs has had a huge impact on the successful growth of the business."Matt Edwards

CEO of Candid Insurance

"OKRs were new to us as a business, but through Peter's invaluable support and expertise we have successfully embedded an impactful goal setting framework that has enabled all of our team members to align behind a shared objective."

Kelvin Hopkins

Founder and CEO of The Professional Fundraiser

"This was the best 20 person conference call I’ve ever attended. "

Participant at an AI-enabled drug discovery scale-up

"Peter's OKR training and coaching has had a really positive impact here at PlotBox; from his initial support in introducing OKRs to his online training which provided our employees with a very useful refresher and instilled confidence in actually using OKRs in their own teams day to day. The training was very comprehensive, effective and enjoyable, distilling difficult concepts into easy-to-grasp bitesize chunks. Highly recommended!"

Sean McAllister

CEO PlotBox

"I appreciate all of your support as we advanced our measurements and OKRs! You were a great partner and advisor!"

Janeen Uzzell

COO of Wikimedia Foundation

"This is literally the first time I've seen people get excited about objectives!"

 A UK Civil Servant

"Highly recommended, Peter Kappus is a legend in demystifying OKRs and making them accessible."

Brian McIntyre

Director of Homes England Digital

"I've really appreciated your postive, inclusive, proactive approach to problem solving and improving delivery, it's been really helpful... You've also always been open and available for informal discussions - that kind of support is important."

Chris Kimber

Head of Product, BBC Sounds

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"I'm kicking myself for not doing this sooner."
– Andy Coravos, CEO of Human First