
Photo by Josh Edgoose on Unsplash

It’s a big deal for me, too.

I'm excited to share valuable content with you and also get to know you and serve you better. Privacy is a big deal for me, too. I have so many incognito browser tabs I can't even count them. So I make sure not to collect any more personal data than I need to keep in touch and improve my service and I protect that data carefully.

I use Google Analytics (GA) and some bospoke software to show me where my visitors come from, how they’re interacting with my content, which content is most popular or helpful, and if changes I’ve made to the site are making it better. It may leave cookies on your browser so I can tell if you come back and visit again. For visitors in the European Economic Area, Switzerland, the UK, or otherwise subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) please review Google’s Data Processing Terms.

Certain marketing links that I share with you may provide me with a realtime notification when you click on them. This helps me provide more helpful content and a more responsive service to you. I don’t share this info with any other person or entity and delete these notifications within 24 hours.

When you provide your email address, I will use this to send you materials and keep in touch via a third party provider. This provider is currently MailChimp. Here’s how your data is handled by MailChimp.

If you’ve done a workshop with me, I may have more data like your name, email address, role, and company name. Check out my standard terms for more info about how I use this data.

If you’re curious what data I hold on you, just drop me a line and ask.

I promise not to be a jerk. 😄

So, with that out of the way…

Let’s keep in touch!

By submitting your email address, you agree to hear from me. Unsubscribe anytime. I'll never share your info. Privacy policy.